Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday Jan 13, 2010

I skipped yesterday because some other things diverted my attention and by the time i realized i was just tired to worry. Today I am going to talk about to things: One is about my weight loss journey and the other is about the religious epiphany I had!
I attended a weight watchers meeting tonite and after listening to the people talk and I realized what it is i need to do. Trying to loose 150 pounds before or by June 1st is an unhealthy goal, but what I did learn is that doing 10 pounds at a time is much better. Taking it step by step. Plus this will teach me about self control and will power. HAVING A MIND SET, as I heard it say once on The Nanny! I am wondering though how much support I will get from my family! I know my friends will support me as well as Steve. Well I know a few family members who will support me. I hope, no I know, I can do it. I will be starting it next week when Steve gets paid. I am so excited.
Now about my religious epiphany! Remember the childhood rythem: "Mary had a little lamb his fleece was white as snow, every where that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go!" Okay Mary had a lamb....Jesus was the lamb, His fleece was white as snow....He was sinless, He was prefect....every where that mary went, the lamb was sure to go. To me that one means no matter where you go Jesus is always is there.
I was watching My favorite show 'Touched by an Angel' and the angel Monica was holding a lamb and her supervisor Tess said kinda makes you think don't it!
That was when it hit me....."OMG now I get it" Is what I said to my husband!
So the next time you think wonder about GOD, just rcite this poem to yourself!


Anonymous said...

I never thought about Mary had a little lamb that way!

I like to eat when I'm bored and I just love to chew and munch! Sometimes gum helps. Tonia is also trying to eat healthier, and this is helping more than I thought - doing this with someone else. I'm taking baby steps here! And congrats on your weight loss! I haven't lost anything yet...hopefully soon!

Mary C :)

Anonymous said...

i agree with the idea of smaller goals!! and make sure when you reward yourself, it isn't with food! Weight Watchers is a great plan - having a team of people to do it with is a big help - great for ideas!
