Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Feb 01, 2010

After fighting a cold for week I must have caught a bit of the stomach flu/virus! Have been up all night with stomach issues! I have been good about following my weight watchers diet! They give you so many points per day plus and extra 35 a week if you want to splurge on something, like a chocolate cake or something like that. Not that I am or anything. Execpt for the weight watchers snake cakes I have not eaten anything like that in a very long time! The thing is I get 44 points a day and i am lucky if i use 30. I think I went passes 30 once or twice. One day I used only 15. Next Sunday the 7th is Super Bowl Sunday and I am looking foward to it. I found a low calorie turkey chili that I plan on cooking on Super Bowl Sunday! Plus I am making some stuffed mushrooms! WOW I can not beleive how musch one can eat for very little points!

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