Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1, 2011

Yesterday my baby boy turned 19 and today my oldest niece turns 19. I remember when they were born. It was leap year and they were born 2 days apart in 2 diffrent hospitals on the other side of town from each other. It was kinda funny becuase my mom was back and forth for a few days. Now today my oldest niece has turned away from the family and in a way so has my son. Yes I still talk to my son and am able to send message to my neice on an occasion but it is not the same as it use to be. Life is so diffrent from then. My husband who also has twin daughter who just turned 19 last month is distant from them. They do not like me becuase it has been put in thier head that I am the reason why his parents divorced. My husband ex wife and ex mother in law has told ever one that Steve was having an affair with me while he and Sarah were still married. Which is far from the truth. The sepreated in June of 1999 and we met the April of 2000. My life is an open book to people I know and I have never denied how or how I meet my husband and if I did meet him while he was married to sarah I sure won't denie it.

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